Como ya os comentamos en alguna ocasión, en el portal COURSERA están disponible muchos cursos de postgrado de numerosas universidades. Algunos son de interés al estar relacionados con la temática de REMEDIA, y son gratuitos y online, con posibilidad de conseguir un título oficial si se aprueban “los exámenes”.

Os recomendamos que veais la lista entera de los cursos y estés atentos ya que los cursos tienen una fecha fijada de comienzo.

Desde el blog de REMEDIA, os recomendamos los siguientes:

1- Introducción a la sostenibilidad

Programa del curso

Week 1: Introduction. Pessimism vs. optimism.

  • Neo-malthusians, J-curves, S-curves and the IPAT equation

Week 2: Population. Demographics and the disappearance of the third world

  • Demographics, population trends.

Week 3: Tragedy of the Commons.

  • Fisheries, pastures, public vs private solutions

Week 4: Climate Change. The climate of the near future: hot, hotter, or hottest?

  • Weather vs. Climate, Proxy and data climate evidence, Climate projections

Week 5 : Energy. What happens when we reach “Peak Oil” Renewable energy: is there enough to make the switch?

  • Peak Oil/Fossil Fuel, Energy survey, availability, and density, EROI

Week 6: Agriculture and Water. Is there enough water and food for the 21st Century?

  • GMOs and the Green Revolution, water stocks and flows – physical and social constraints

Week 7: Environmental Economics and Policy. Can economists lead the way to sustainability?

  • Environmental Evaluation, project and policy evaluation, Incentive policies

Week 8: Ethics and Culture and Measurement. The long view.

  • NeCarbon Footprints, Energy and water efficiency metrics, Sustainability Ethics, Environmental ideology and conservation movements

2- La época del desarrollo sostenible

Programa del curso

Lecture 1: What is Sustainable Development?

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Sustainable development
  • Chapter 2: Economic growth and progress
  • Chapter 3: Continuing poverty
  • Chapter 4: Environmental threats hitting the rich and poor alike
  • Chapter 5: The business as usual path versus the sustainable development path

Lecture 2: Economic Development – How we measure it, how it varies around the world

  • Chapter 1: Incomes around the World
  • Chapter 2: Urban/rural inequality
  • Chapter 3: Income inequality within countries
  • Chapter 4: Measuring wellbeing
  • Chapter 5: Convergence or divergence?

Lecture 3: A Short History of Economic Development

  • Chapter 1: Economic development is new, starting around 1750
  • Chapter 2: The industrial revolution starts in England
  • Chapter 3: The great waves of technological change
  • Chapter 4: The diffusion of economic growth
  • Chapter 5: Economic Development Since World War II: The Making of Globalization

Lecture 4: Why Did Some Countries Advance While Others Remained in Poverty?

  • Chapter 1: The Idea of Clinical Economics
  • Chapter 2: The role of physical geography: transport, energy, disease, crops
  • Chapter 3: The role of culture: demography, education, gender
  • Chapter 4: The role of politics
  • Chapter 5: Which countries are still stuck in poverty?

Lecture 5: The MDGs and the End of Extreme Poverty

  • Chapter 1: The Reasons to Believe that Extreme Poverty Can Be Ended
  • Chapter 2: A Strategy to End Extreme Poverty in Africa
  • Chapter 3: South Asia: The Continuing Challenge of the Food Supply
  • Chapter 4: A Closer Look at Official Development Assistance
  • Chapter 5:  Designing Practical Interventions: The Case of Millennium Villages

Lecture 6: Growth within Planetary Boundaries

  • Chapter 1: The Planetary Boundaries
  • Chapter 2: Growth Dynamics
  • Chapter 3: Growth and Planetary Boundaries: The Case of Energy
  • Chapter 4: Growth and Planetary Boundaries: The Case of Food
  • Chapter 5: Growth and Planetary Boundaries: The Case of Population

Lecture 7: Human Rights and Gender Equality

  • Chapter 1: The Ethics of Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality
  • Chapter 2: Major UN Covenants and Declarations
  • Chapter 3: Divided societies
  • Chapter 4: Forces of Widening Inequalities
  • Chapter 5: Gender Inequality and Solutions

Lecture 8:  Education

  • Chapter 1: Life-cycle approach to human development
  • Chapter 2: Early Childhood Development
  • Chapter 3: The rising returns to education and the supply response
  • Chapter 4: Social mobility
  • Chapter 5: The role of higher education in sustainable development

Lecture 9: Universal Health Coverage

  • Chapter 1: The human right to health
  • Chapter 2: Poverty and disease
  • Chapter 3: Designing and Financing a Primary Health System in Low-Income Settings
  • Chapter 4: Ten Recommended Steps to Health for All in the Poorest Countries
  • Chapter 5: The Challenges of Health Coverage in High-Income Countries

Lecture 10: Sustainable Food Supply and the End of Hunger

  • Chapter 1: Malnutrition
  • Chapter 2: Farm systems, ecology, and food security
  • Chapter 3: How environmental change threatens the food system
  • Chapter 4: How the food system threatens the environment
  • Chapter 5: Towards a sustainable global food supply

Lecture 11: Sustainable Cities

  • Chapter 1: The patterns of urbanization around the world
  • Chapter 2: What makes a city sustainable?
  • Chapter 3: Smart Infrastructure
  • Chapter 4: Urban Resilience
  • Chapter 5: Planning for Sustainable Development

Lecture 12: Curbing Climate Change

  • Chapter 1: The basic science of climate change
  • Chapter 2: Consequences
  • Chapter 3: Mitigation
  • Chapter 4: Mitigation Policies
  • Chapter 5: Policies and Global Cooperation for Climate Change

Lecture 13: Saving Biodiversity

  • Chapter 1: What is biodiversity?
  • Chapter 2: Biodiversity under threat
  • Chapter 3: Oceans and fisheries
  • Chapter 4: Deforestation
  • Chapter 5: International dynamics

Lecture 14: The Sustainable Development Goals

  • Chapter 1: The proposal for SDGs at Rio+20
  • Chapter 2: Illustrative SDGs
  • Chapter 3: Goal-Based Development
  • Chapter 4: Financing for Sustainable Development
  • Chapter 5: Principles of Good Governance