Nuestra compañera  Paula Trivino, de la European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), nos hace llegar esta información para la máxima difusión entre los compañeros de la red REMEDIA. Se trata de la Green Carbon Conference, que tendrá lugar Bruselas los días 1-3 de abril de 2014, como una de las actividades del proyecto LIFE+ Agricarbon.

Green Carbon Conference

The Conference is jointly organized by the European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), and the French Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (IAD) and promoted by the Life+ AGRICARBON project.
Over the last decade, Conservation Agriculture (CA) has become known as a set of agricultural practices capable of overcoming several of the severe sustainability constraints of conventional agriculture. Whereas CA is practiced successfully on around 125 million hectares worldwide, Europe has shown to be very reluctant with regard to its adoption, despite many promising results conferring its workability also in Europe. Since the first World Congress on Conservation Agriculture organized jointly by the European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF) and FAO in 2001 in Madrid, only few events have been organized at European level since then to learn from the experiences and the advances of CA gained so far. Therefore, this European Conference aims to provide an opportunity to take a leap forward in terms of reviewing the recent progress made in knowledge generation regarding CA, and to dis seminate the outcomes of the currently running LIFE + Agricarbon (LIFE08 ENV/E/000129).
The Conference theme of ‘Green Carbon’ aims to clarify and highlight the often invisible yet vital link between soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil health, and the role this link plays in the sustainability of agricultural production and the flow of ecosystem services. However, the topics to be addressed by the Conference will not be  estricted only to the importance of SOC for the overall soil quality and health but also include other sustainability and landscape is sues intimately related to the role of soil carbon such as ecosystem functions and services, climate change mitigation and carbon offset, and socio-econo mic and policy aspects.
The Conference also seeks to alert EU policy stakeholders and technical offi cers of the urgent need to adopt sustainable soil and production system ma nagement practices of Conservation Agriculture (CA) to achieve the announ ced objectives of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) reform 2020.

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